5 Signs Your Website Needs a Makeover

Research shows that nearly 50% of South Africans shop online. This means that, if you want to reach customers with your small business, you need to have a strong online presence and digital marketing strategy.

In many cases, your website is the first impression your audience will have of your business. If your website looks out of date or is difficult to use, customers may look to take their business elsewhere.

1. You’re Not Mobile Friendly
Research shows that more than half of all traffic now comes from mobile devices. This means that if your site is not mobile-friendly, you are likely losing out on a significant chunk of traffic.

Being mobile-friendly is especially important because it allows users to access your site on the go. This way, they can make an impulse decision while they’re standing in line at the grocery store or checking their phone before bed.

2. Your Product Contact Information is Hard to Find
When a visitor comes to your site, they typically have a purpose in mind. If your site is an online store, that purpose is to buy products. If your site is on behalf of a business like a restaurant, doctor’s office, or other brick-and-mortar location, then it’s probably to find contact information.

Make sure that these key features are easy to access from your home page. Your customers should not have to work to get in touch with you or give you money.

3. You Don’t Have a Blog
When it comes to digital marketing, content is king. If you want to expand your site’s SEO performance, you need to be publishing great content that is relevant to your users. Get into a regular blog cycle, and make sure to circulate your posts on social media.

4. The Home Page is Cluttered
The purpose of your site’s home page is to let user’s know they’ve come to the right place, to grab their attention, and to direct them to where to go next. If you pack your home page with too much information, users may be confused and frustrated, and may simply click away.

A good home page should entice readers with an attractive and relevant image and should have clear navigation to the rest of the site. Consider the home page for Simmons Plastic Surgery. This page features images of the clinic and has clear links to learning more about the practice or to request more information.

5. It’s Been Longer than 3 Years Since the Last Update
Technology changes rapidly, which means that design trends can quickly fall out of style. If you let too much time pass between website refreshes, your site will start to look stale and outdated. So, if it’s been a few years since you switched up the design or layout, it’s probably time to revisit it.

If you’re starting to see these signs on your website, chances are it’s time for a makeover.

Contact us to see what your new fresh website could look like!


